L O C A L   C E L E B R A T I O N S 

Local functions are occasionally organized by our workers in our community to celebrate special events such as weddings. We also hold an annual cultural celebration, complete with performances by dancers and choirs from all different kinds of ethnic groups within our local community. GWI also participates in local festivals and celebrations.

Swipe through the slideshow on the left to see our Local Celebrations! Scroll down to check out more.


G A B O N    I N D E P E N D E N C E   D A Y

Gabon’s Independence Day marks the Gabonese peoples’ independence from France on August 17th, 1960. It is held on the 16th and 17th of August. following Assumption on the 15th of August to create a 3-day break.

G A B O N ‘ S   L A B O U R   D A Y

Gabon’s Labour Day is celebrated in conjunction with the world’s Labour Day celebration on May 1st.

A N N U A L   M A R A T H O N

L O C A L   W E D D I N G S

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